Articles tagged with: rural

WW | 7th International Conference on Localized Agri-food Systems: Challenges for the new rurality in a changing world

 ARCHIVE: 08.05.16  

The European Research Group SYAL, the REDSIAL (Latin American Network on Localised Agri-food Systems) the Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientist NJF, and Södertörn University welcomes you to the 7th conference on localized agri-food systems. The conference will be organized by Södertörn University, NJF, ERG SYAL and REDSIAL, and held in Stockholm the 8-10 of May 2016.

During the last decades, Localized agri-food systems (SYAL) have become increasingly important as tools for farmers, rural firms and consumers to meet market challenges and satisfy the rising demand for “food with a farmers face”. The potential contribution of localized agri-food systems to rural development by promoting economic development, social cohesion and counter-acting the demographic impact of agricultural modernization has also increased their political relevance. Previous research has addressed various aspects of the relationship between SYAL and geographical indications, as well as territorial, organizational and cultural issues, but there are still many unanswered questions and theoretical gaps to fill.

We welcome all topics related to the new rurality and localized agri-food systems.

The conference is conducted with financial and academic sponsorship from the Center for Baltic and Eastern European Studies CBEES, ENTER forum and Södertörn University.

ES | V International Congress of Agroecology and Organic Agriculture

 ARCHIVE: 26.06.14  

Se remitirá resumen ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), en archivo de texto, con
un máximo de 2 páginas haciendo constar: Autor/a; Titulo; Área
Temática en la que se propóne incluir.
Fecha límite: 15 de marzo.
Respuesta del Comité Científico: recibido el resumen, en 15 días
recibirá el primer autor comunicación de la aceptación o rechazo

FR | Séminaire : Patrimonialisation et développement en Afrique de l’Ouest

 ARCHIVE: 02.02.13  

Ce séminaire comportera les interventions de deux anthropologues:

« Le patrimoine comme ressource du développement rural. Un exemple malien », par  Anaïs Leblon, Post-doctorante Lahic


« Des objets, des lieux et leurs hommes. Invention des patrimoines et scénographie touristique (Burkina Faso), par Bertrand Royer, Docteur en Anthropologie, CREA, Lyon2.
(fichier joint)

WW | Localised Agro-Food Systems and Geographical Indications in the Face of Globalisation: the Case of Queso Chontaleño

Publications & Resources

This study analyses a localised agro-food system producing Queso Chontaleño (QC) cheese in the Chontales Department in Nicaragua and the first effects of the Geographical Indication (GI) scheme which alters the power relations between the actors of the cheese-dairy sector within the framework of global dynamics. The first part focuses on systèmes agro-alimentaires localisés (SYAL), or localised agro-food systems, and it provides the theoretical background to the case study. The second part analyses the QC SYAL and its territorial and institutional context. It is found that GI introduces new competitive pressures that reinforce local elites at the expense of traditional QC actors and that the weak involvement of the State may prevent GIs from enhancing the development of territorialised agro-food systems. The conclusion is a recommendation to EU policymakers that promotion of GIs at the level of the WTO be accompanied by measures that can ensure stricter national legislations on GIs to protect local resources.