Articles tagged with: rural

PT | NEW BOOK: Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic

Publications & Resources
NEW BOOK: Farming Systems Research into the 21st Century: The New Dynamic


Farming Systems Research has three core characteristics: it builds on systems thinking, it depends on the close collaboration between social and biophysical sciences, and it relies on participation to build co-learning processes. Farming Systems Research posits that to contribute towards sustainable rural development, both interdisciplinary collaborations and local actor engagement are needed. Together, they allow for changes in understanding and changes in practices.
This book gives an overview of the insights generated in 20 years of Farming Systems Research. It retraces the emergence and development of Farming Systems Research in Europe, summarises the state-of-the-art for key areas, and provides an outlook on new explorations, especially those tackling the dynamic nature of farming systems and their interaction with the natural environment and the context of action.
We hope this book will serve as an inspiration for all those who seek an alternative approach to research in farming and rural development. One that builds on the reflexivity of researchers, one that takes the role of human subjectivities and perceptions seriously, one that gives voice to farmers, one that emphasises participation and co-learning processes, one that focuses on interactions between the elements, one that allows to capture interdependencies and their dynamics.
There is no doubt that Farming Systems Research has much to offer to answer the challenges faced by rural areas in the current turbulent and uncertain times. The book is thus aimed at practitioners, at graduate students and at researchers who seek new inspiration outside the mainstream, who take into account the ethical dimension of their work, and who seek encouragement to deepen their reflexivity about the meaning of professional practice and about their approach to research.


FR | Les marchés de détail : de nouvelles questions pour la géographie

 ARCHIVE: 01.06.12  

Assez peu étudiés encore en géographie, les marchés de détail jouent un rôle dans l’aménagement des villes, des bourgs et des espaces ruraux. Ils soulèvent des enjeux importants en termes de commerce de proximité, d’animation des territoires, de lien social et de qualité alimentaire. Cette journée sera l’occasion de confronter différentes approches de géographes et d’acteurs sur cette thématique à partir de cas français et étrangers.

PT | Int. Congress on Promotion of Traditional Food Products

 ARCHIVE: 03.05.12  

All European countries have cultural traditions associated with food and traditional products. Considering that traditional products have an important role on the European culture, identity and heritage, the organizing committee of this International Congress of Traditional Products aims to present to all participants a series of experiences from different countries all around Europe.

With the participation of Andrea Marescotti (Erg Syal Italy) and Artur Cristovao (Erg Syal Portugal)

WW | De la leche al queso: queserías rurales de América Latina

Publications & Resources
De la leche al queso: queserías rurales de América Latina

Coordinado por François Boucher y Virginie Brun, y editado por el Instituto Latinoamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura, IICA; el Centro de Cooperación Internacional en Investigación Agronómica para el Desarrollo (CIRAD, por sus siglas en francés) y Miguel Angel Porrúa. Editions Miguel Ángel Porrúa, México D.F. 2011. 413 pages

ES | Spanish Journal of Rural Development

Publications & Resources
Spanish Journal of Rural Development

Spanish Journal of Rural Development (SJRD) is a journal of recent creation, published by the Asociación Gallega de Investigadores para el Desarrollo Rural (AGAIDERU), which tries to be a discussion forum contributing to improve the knowledge of rural environment, focusing on sustainable development.