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Articles in Category: Events

PT | XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology

 ARCHIVE: 29.07.12  

W8. Local Food Products and Conflicts Around Quality Construction

In a period of globalization, consumers’ concerns have been growing and many initiatives for promoting sustainable and localised food systems have emerged. These initiatives, occurring all over the world, advocate the importance of linking territory, culture and food, and of promoting food quality and sustainable consumption. In this context, quality construction processes became important: they not only create opportunities for interaction among producers, consumers and others food chain actors, but also pave the way for debate, conflict and negotiation. For instance, a debate about quality itself leads to a discussion of traditional food practices, the relationship between quality and territorial identity, current and alternative certification frameworks and procedures, and the impact of the search for food quality practices on rural development. The session invites papers at both the theoretical (theories and concepts for analysing localised food systems and conflicts over quality construction) and practical level (case studies exploring approaches in different socio-cultural, economic and institutional contexts). In particular, papers with an interdisciplinary perspective and looking at European and Latin American countries are welcome.

WW | Convocatoria I Congreso Virtual de la Red Sial Argentina 2012

Convocatoria I Congreso Virtual de la Red Sial Argentina 2012
 ARCHIVE: 29.06.12  

La idea surge a partir de la postergación del congreso internacional sobre enfoque Sial en Florianópolis, Brasil.

El objetivo es entonces posibilitar un intercambio entre los miembros de nuestra Red sobre los avances de la aplicación de este enfoque en proyectos de investigación-intervención.


 ARCHIVE: 03.06.12  

O que precisamos discutir sobre o mundo rural? Quais são os desafios para as políticas públicas? Como tem se dado as relações de trabalho no campo? E os conflitos decorrentes da ambientalização no Brasil? Estas e outras questões serão desenvolvidas nesta 5ª edição do Encontro.

O tema Desenvolvimento, Ruralidades e Ambientalização: atores e paradigmas em conflito traz uma série de desafios, como propor novas lógicas, para além do viés meramente econômico. Para o professor Gutemberg Guerra, membro da Rede e coordenador do evento, é preciso reconhecer “que estamos em um momento de inflexão das formas de pensar a relação do homem com a natureza, implicando, portanto, na necessidade de se repensar e praticar outras formas de desenvolvimento considerando os impactos socioambientais”. Sociólogos, antropólogos, cientistas políticos, juristas, geógrafos, economistas, movimentos sociais, entre outros, dividirão suas inquietações com o intuito de apontar novos caminhos para o desenvolvimento rural.

FR | Les marchés de détail : de nouvelles questions pour la géographie

 ARCHIVE: 01.06.12  

Assez peu étudiés encore en géographie, les marchés de détail jouent un rôle dans l’aménagement des villes, des bourgs et des espaces ruraux. Ils soulèvent des enjeux importants en termes de commerce de proximité, d’animation des territoires, de lien social et de qualité alimentaire. Cette journée sera l’occasion de confronter différentes approches de géographes et d’acteurs sur cette thématique à partir de cas français et étrangers.

PT | Int. Congress on Promotion of Traditional Food Products

 ARCHIVE: 03.05.12  

All European countries have cultural traditions associated with food and traditional products. Considering that traditional products have an important role on the European culture, identity and heritage, the organizing committee of this International Congress of Traditional Products aims to present to all participants a series of experiences from different countries all around Europe.

With the participation of Andrea Marescotti (Erg Syal Italy) and Artur Cristovao (Erg Syal Portugal)

CH | InterGI

 ARCHIVE: 16.04.12  

Prochaine session de la formation internationale et interdisciplinaire sur les indications géographiques